Galapagos – Evolution II

The strong surf forms from the lava strange and wondrous structures ….. which are always impressive in their variety.

On our boat trip through the Galapagos archipelago we pass a completely flat lava island, in the middle of which there is a huge debris cone of extinct lava. A strangely scary sight. We drive with our small dinghy to the island. In the immediate vicinity, the structures of the extinct lava can be seen as clearly as if it had just cooled down. The sea is smooth and still. No sound of an animal or bird can be heard. A strange, almost disturbing silence surrounds us in this wilderness. We are somehow relieved when we get back on board our ship and leave this place. Elsewhere, huge pinnacles emerge from the turquoise waters as if to signal them.

This coastal formation must come from a huge volcanic eruption. The lava structure has huge dimensions. The lava masses are continuously processed by the force of the sea surf and finally ground to sand.

Huge lava flows have poured over existing land masses, so that pile up again and again new layers. Only sporadically forms plant growth in sparse form. We are presented with an impressive landscape with a variety of forms that can only be found here on the Galapagos Islands.

Pictures Galapagos – Evolution

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