South Sea – Samoa – Apia

Life in the capital Apia is a quiet, almost contemplative walk. The Samoans are extremely friendly and polite people, like most inhabitants of the South Seas.

We take a stroll through the city. Near the market we find some small shops where everything is available for daily needs. A treasure trove to rummage through. During our sightseeing we make a stopover in a small bar. The service recommends us a local specialty drink. Brigitte does not seem to be that excited ….

The Samoans were converted to Christianity early on. The churches point out. The interior of the church in Apia is decorated with colorful balloons. Obviously we missed the wedding party by minutes.

The government building of Samoa is one of the most magnificent and largest buildings on the island. The representatives of the people do not differ here in their presentation style from the European counterparts. We can still see the Premier driving up in his American stretch limousine.

The opposite is true for some streets. The Samoans sit in their modest but colorful clothing in front of the shops and keep Smaltalk. Amazingly, they are always happy and carefree, even to us strangers.

Pictures South Sea – Samoa – Apia

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