Egypt – Diving – Sharm el Sheik

Sharm El Sheikh is located on the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula and is located between the National Park of Ras Mohammed and Nabq with the mountains of Sinai in the back. The climate is dry. In the summer months, temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius are the rule. in the winter time it is considerably colder with an average of 12 to 16 degrees. During the months of May to August almost no rain falls. Ideal travel time is the fall and the spring months.

In 1967, the then-Egyptian President Nasser blocked the Straits of Tiran. Thus, the access to the Red Sea was closed to the Israelis. This event triggered the Six Day War. The Sinai Peninsula was occupied by the Israelis. With the signing of the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, Sharm El-Sheikh returned to Egypt.

When we first visited Sharm El Sheikh, it was a small fishing village. There was only a small hotel and a dive center, which consisted of a wooden hut. In the 1990s, Sharm El Sheikh experienced a tourist boom. It has built a myriad of hotels and lodgings. Sharm el Sheikh is today one of the most important tourist destinations in Egypt. It is today the most expensive seaside resort in auml; egypt. For divers and snorkelers the whole area together with the national park Ras Mohammed is known as the best dive sites in the world.

Pictures Egypt – Diving – Sharm el Sheik

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