Australia – General information

At 7,682,300 square kilometers, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, 21 times the size of Germany. It is divided into two climatic zones. The northern half (Brisbane – Alice Springs line) represents the tropics, the southern half the temperate climate. Australia has 18 million inhabitants.

Australia is surrounded by the Indian and Pacific Oceans. From Asia it is 350 km away from South America 13,000 km. The coastline is 19,700 km long. The average annual income is $ 23.600.

Life expectancy is an average of 78 years. Colloquial is English. Australia is increasingly becoming a holiday destination for us Europeans. If you used to fly up to 36 hours because of the numerous stops, today it is possible to reach Australia in under 24 hours with the modern aircraft. Usually only one stopover per route is necessary. Australia is a land of stark contrasts with the adventurous inland and the (sub) tropical rainforest.

There are miles of deserted sandy beaches with a pleasant temperate ocean. The cities have world level. But there are also the small, dreamy villages where you can still understand the adventure of gold mining and the search for opals today.

The national holiday is the 26.1.

The time zones from west to east are CET + 7 hours, 8 1/2, 9 hours.
The currency is the Australian dollar ($ A or AUD) = 100 cents.
The states of Australia include New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Victoria, Tasmania and the Capital Territory.
Of the approximately 18 million inhabitants of Australia, most live in coastal areas and large cities. The inhabitants come from many different countries.

The Aborigines are the Aborigines, representing about 220,000 people a minority on the continent. They live mainly in the north of the country and are still partially housed in reserves.

The whites make up the lion’s share, of which around 85% are British. The remaining inhabitants are predominantly from the other European countries. Recently, the proportion of Asians with 8% continues to increase. More than 2/3 of the continent are sparsely populated. Well over 90% of the total population live in the SO Australia. The main part of this lives in the big cities.

Australia – Climate

tropical zone
The Tropic Zone is the closest to the equator zone and extends to the Tropic of Capricorn. Moist hot temperatures with monsoon-like rainfall are present in summer. Uniformly warm temperatures, however, in winter.

There is a distinction between the wet season (November-April) and the dry season (May-October). In the rainy season, heavy rains prevail that overflow the rivers. This leads to large-scale flooding. These often form large cyclones. Many roads are often impassable during this time. The Australians then speak of so-called floodways that arise. Whole cities are cut off from the outside world.

On the coasts in the north of the country, the temperatures appear more bearable due to the south-east trade winds than in the sweltering interior.

The subtropics are located in a narrow area along the coastal areas of Queensland and Western Australia. Although the temperatures here are more pleasant but the tropical influence with its year-round humid climate is still felt.
Continental air
The continental climate can be found in the middle of the continent. During the summer months it is extremely hot during the day. The winters are warm and the nights are frosty. Rain is very rare in the interior. If it rains, then short and hard. River courses swell then fast and meter high, whole land masses are washed away. The rainwater seeps away as fast as it has come. Then sprout fresh plants everywhere from the moist soil. The roads and slopes are then hardly passable.

Moderate zone
In the south of the country lives the largest part of the population. This is probably also directly related to the pleasant temperatures. The south is dominated by hot summers and mild winters. Often a fresh wind from Antarctic regions blows in the evening, the “Southerly Buster” in Sydney or the “Fremantle Doctor” in Perth.

Australia – Fauna

Due to the isolated location of Australia some endemic archetypes of the fauna have been preserved. There are many rare animals in Australia.

The best known animals are the kangaroos (short: called “Roos”). Of these there are 45 species. They belong to the genus of marsupials. The different sized kangaroo species have adapted to the most adverse living conditions in an optimal way. In all species, the pups are born as embryos. The 3-8 cm tall boys are born incompletely developed and fed on a teat in the mother’s breastplate for eight months. The kangaroo is next to the emu the heraldic animal on the flag of the Commonwealth. The smallest kangaroos are the kangaroo rats with only about 23 cm in size. The biggest ones are the “red giant kangaroos”. They grow up to 2 m tall and can jump up to 10 m. An independent group represent the Wallabies dar. They reach a size of 45 cm to 1.20 m. Then there are the tree kangaroos that live on trees. It is best to observe the kangaroos in the wild at dawn and dusk. Not infrequently, they are also on campsites of the national parks to see.

When driving at night outside of cities you should be careful, as kangaroos are attracted by the light of the headlights and often land in the radiator of the car. The same goes for grazing cattle. The Aussies have so-called roo bars or bill bars on their car as an additional ramming protection.

The Koala, despite its appearance, is not a bear, but a marsupial. He is one of the best known and most popular animals in Australia. The word “koala” comes from the Aborigines and means “no water”. Koalas drink very little water and doze most of the day in the eucalyptus trees. The eucalyptus leaves are the preferred food source. They are said to have a narcotic effect. Koalas rarely leave the trees. Their claws make them good climbers. The number of up to 60 cm large animals should be around 308,000 animals.

About half of Koalas is infected by the infectious disease Chlamydia. Through them the animals can become blind or unable to produce. The “national mascot” Koala also suffers from the decline in its natural habitat.

The wombat is also a marsupial. The animals living in Western Australia are up to 1 m long and are not welcome because of their laborious work with farmers.

The Tasmanian devil, also a marsupial, is a carnivore. He looks like a little black dog.

Possums (also Opossums) are small bag animals, which live primarily and in many ways on trees. Because of their proliferation and herbivorousness, they are extremely unpopular.

Other small marsupials, such as the nocturnal Numbat, are hard to find in the wild. Like many other small animals (insects, lizards), they are threatened with extinction because they are often the victims of imported species such as cats and foxes.

The flightless Emu, the second heraldic animal of Australia, is like the African ostrich. The fast-running emus are up to 1.60 m tall and live mainly in the dry savannas of Australia. The male takes over the rearing of the boys.

Unique in the animal world is the platypus. The very shy animals are found in rivers and lakes in Eastern Australia, Tasmania and Kangoroo Iceland. Features are the duck-like beak, the webbed claws and the seal-like fur.

The Australian Greyhound is the dingo. He was probably introduced to Australia by the natives. He can not bark and is usually shy. Sometimes you see him on campsites while browsing waste. The Dingo does not exist in New South Wales and southern South Australia due to the Dingo Fence. The fence with a length of 9,600 km is to protect the sheep breeding in the south.

The reptiles found in Australia include two species of crocodile, the smaller of which, the Australian crocodile, lives in the inland freshwater. The larger grouse crocodile is at home in the marshes and estuaries on the north coast and can reach a length of up to six meters. It can be dangerous for humans. Other lizard species include geckos, skinks, agamids and monitor lizards, including the giant monitor. In addition, the Australian fauna includes 100 species of poisonous snakes, the most dangerous of which are the native Taipan in the north of the country and the Death Eaters. The tiger-otter, the copper-head and the black-otter are further venomous snakes.

The colorful Australian bird life is unique. One of the most famous birds is the kookaburra. With his typical sounds he remains in the memory of the visitor for a long time.

The Lyrebird, a ratite, is known as a good voice imitator. There are over 300 species of parrots that populate the trees in large swarms and in all colors, even in the cities. The most common species are budgerigars and cockatoos. The black cockatoo is rather rare. But he can also be observed in the wild with a little luck. Not to be missed is the multitude of waterfowl, pelicans and swans in the coastal regions. Inland, numerous birds of prey such as buzzards, falcons and eagles can be found.

Particularly noteworthy is the fantastic underwater world of Australia. Dive and snorkel safaris on the Great Barrier Reef and Ningallo Reef (Western Australia) give you an idea of ​​the incredible diversity of fish. The most famous freshwater and food fish is the Baramundi, a perch that occurs in several species. In the southern waters some whale species are native and on the islands of Bass Street and in Tasmania seal colonies are present. Edible fish and shellfish exist in large populations. In addition, there are also about 70 shark species native. Lung fish, sometimes referred to as the “living fossil”, breathe through a lung and not via gills like other fish. Penguins and seals live on the coasts of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Also in the field of invertebrates there are a variety of species in insects, spiders and earthworms. Most insect species from this evolutionary period are found in Australia and include flies, beetles, butterflies, bees and ants.

The giant dermis in the north of Australia build huge termite mounds that reach a height of up to six meters. Earthworms occur in great variety; Particularly striking are the giant worms in Victoria.

Many Australian spider species are poisonous, as well as the widely known funnel web spiders and red spiders.

Australia – Flora

On the Australian continent, you will find your own distinctive vegetation with about 20,000 different plant species. More than 90% of the proven plant species are endemic (only found here).

In the tropical north one finds extensive rainforests with lianas and ferns.

In the coastal area of ​​Australia grow mangroves. The marshes are the habitat of countless plant species. The peculiarities of the rainforest include the various types of orchids.

Especially common are large eucalyptus forests. There are more than 400 species of eucalyptus tree (Gumtree). One of the toughest woods in the world is the Jarrah eucalyptus in Western Australia. Other species, such as the Swamp Gum in Tasmania, grow up to 80 meters high. The tallest trees in the world are the Karri Eucalyptus in the southwest and the Mountain Ash Tree in the southeast, with heights of over 100 meters.

In the dry riverbeds in the interior, the River Red Gum is often found. Of particular note are the extensive eucalyptus forests of the Blue Mountains in the hinterland of Sydney. Through the blue fumes that secrete the trees, they have received their name. Eucalyptus leaves are also used as medicinal plants. The Desert Oak is able to store water for a very long time. The tree usually leaves the branches hanging, only after rainfall he goes up.

The grass tree (Grass Tree) occurs like the eucalyptus, throughout Australia. Its top consists of a large tuft, from the middle of which grow in the bloom time bright reed leaves. The tropical zone falls into the monsoon climate and is heavily forested.

Rainforests occur on the northeastern coast of Queensland. Palm trees, ferns and vine plants thrive in large numbers between the deciduous trees. Mangrove forests nestle along the mud holes and indentations of the low northern coastline. Plants such as the purple Telopea, the red and gold Banksie and the scarlet Firewheel trees can be found here. Inland, the savannah landscape dominates with low-growing trees.

In the temperate zone hardwood shrubs dominate. It has mallee scrubs and other scrub species, shrubby sand heath.

Alpine vegetation occurs in the Australian Alps and the mountainous landscapes of Tasmania. Along the east coast up to and including Tasmania there are stocks of pines and conifers. Pines are second only to the eucalypts because of their economic importance. In the wooded areas of the warm and well-watered southeastern and southwestern areas, the eucalypts predominate, of which there are over 500 species and can reach a height of over 90 meters. Acacia and tree ferns thrive in the undergrowth of the eucalyptus trees of the southeast.

In the dry zone (scrub land, bush) only specially adapted plants thrive. In the less dense regions of the interior, red and green kangaroo paws, boron, wax flowers, bottle trees, lamp shades and smaller eucalyptus species thrive. Acacia comes in about 900 different species. The Golden Acacia represents the national flower symbol of Australia and appears on the country emblem. In the dry interior of the Mulga shrub occurs. Deserts in the sense of pure sand deserts can hardly be found, usually there is a vegetation.

The Spinifix grass is widespread inland. It grows practically everywhere. Spiny cactus propagation has long been a problem, making many areas practically inaccessible. In addition to native flora, there are about 2,000 subsequently introduced plant species in Australia.

Australia – History

Around 50,000 years before the birth of the Australian aborigines of Southeast Asia on existing land bridges, on the Indonesian islands and New Guinea began. The sea level was much lower before the end of the Ice Age about 12000 years ago, New Guinea and Tasmania belonged at that time to the Australian mainland.

About 30,000 years before the first settlements of the indigenous people were established in Australia.

Some 10,000 years before Tasmania seceded from the continent. Pedro Fernandez de Quiros lands on the New Hebrides in 1606 and calls them ‘Terra Australis’. The Spanish explorer Luis Vaez de Torres navigated through the narrowness between New Guinea and Australia (Torres Strait) and notes that New Guinea is not part of the legendary unknown southern country.

In the same year, the Dutchman Willem Jansz sails on the coast. Dutchman Dirk Hartog lands in 1616 on the coast of Western Australia, near Shark Bay (Dirk Hartog Island).

Abel Janszoon Tasman discovered in 1642 the southern tip of Tasmania (until 1856 Van Diemen’s Land) and the South Island of New Zealand.

Willem de Vlamingh, the last Dutch navigator of such importance to the story of discovery, explored Rottnest Island (off Perth / WA) in 1696 and the Swan River in the southwest.

William Dampier explores the northwest coast in 1699 and discovers the islands of the Dampier Archipelago.

Chevalier Antoine de Bougainville is prevented in 1768 by the Great Barrier Reef from claiming the east coast for France.

James Cook discovers the North Island of New Zealand on his first world tour in 1769 and circles both islands. Cook explores the east coast of ‘New Holland’ in 1770 and anchors in Botany Bay. In the Great Barrier Reef north of Cairns the “Endeavor” runs on a reef and needs to be repaired (Cooktown). On Possesion Island he takes the eastern part of the continent for the British King George III. owned and drives back through the Torres Strait via Batavia (now Jakarta) to London.

On January 18, 1788 landing of the “First Fleet” in Botany Bay. 11 ships under the command of Captain Arthur Phillip with 1030 people, including 736 convicts, reach Australia after an eight-month journey. He considered Botany Bay an unfavorable site and sailed north to Port Jackson, which Cook had marked on the maps but had not been explored. Phillip found here one of the best natural harbors in the world.

On January 26, the date of the Australian Day celebrations today, the first permanent European settlement was set up in the far inland Port Jackson area of ​​Australia and after the British Home Secretary, Lord Sydney, who was responsible for the colonization plans , baptized in the name of Sydney.

The French captain Galaup de la Perouse reaches the Botany Bay six days after the “First Fleet”, on the trip home lost ship and crew.
Bruni D’Entrecasteaux explores in 1792 the southern coast of Tasmania, the Dervent River and the channel between Bruny Island and the main island.
The first free settlers arrive.

Goerge Bass and Matthew Flinders sail around 1798 Tasmania, which was previously considered the southern tip of the continent. They discovered the Tamar River and explore the Bass Strait between Tasmania and Victoria.

Matthew Flinders circumnavigated the entire continent of Australia in 1802, meeting his French rival Thomas Nicolas Baudin (ahead of Adelaide). On his way home, Flinders was arrested in Mauritius and held in custody for seven years. In 1804, Hobart (Tasmania) was founded on the Derwent River near Sullivan Cove by David Collins.

In 1820, Sydney has about 26,000 inhabitants, including 10,000 prisoners. During this time begins the “Squatter Period”. In the wake of researchers pioneers penetrate into the not yet settled for colonization hinterland, occupy it without allotment and start with the livestock. Much later, the “squatters” are legally recognized as landowners by the colonial administration.

Fremantle takes 1829 the west of Australia for Great Britain in possession. Perth is founded. 1831 is the proclamation of the colony of Western Australia.

In 1836, South Australia is set up as a colony.

Australia – Food & Drink

The days when most of Australia fed on steaks and pies are now over. The immigrants from all parts of the world enriched the offer of dishes enormously.

Especially in the larger cities there are many first-class restaurants and cafés. Pies and hamburgers, however, have not disappeared from the menu. In the café the breakfast offer ranges from the English breakfast with scrambled eggs, ham, hashbrowns (grated fried potatoes) and toast to the muesli bund excellent croissants, cappuccini and espressi.

The main meals, the dinner (also called “tea”), there are different flavors. Take-Aways (as in America) are versatile in the offer.

The barbecue (short: BBQ) is indispensable for the Aussies. This is a real cult operated. All meat dishes (beef, pork and lamb) are good and very cheap. The kangaroo and marmalade dishes offered in Australia are almost fat-free and very tasty. The meat is reminiscent of our local game meat. The Australians also eat crocodile meat, which is compared in taste to chicken or pork.
Restaurants without a so-called “alcohol license” can be recognized by the fact that they are awarded with “BYO” (“bring your own”). If the door is “BYO and licensed”, the guest can consume both brought drinks and the in-house drinks. For a small fee (corkage) guests are also provided with glasses for the alcoholic drinks brought.
Particularly noteworthy is the variety of fish and seafood on the coasts of Australia. Particularly to be mentioned here are:

Cray fish (Lobster), Blue Swimmer Crabs, King Prawns, Crabs of various sizes, Balmain Bugs (typical cancer for the Sydney area), Yabbies (freshwater crayfish), Mudcrabs, Sydney Rock Oysters and Tasmanian Oysters and scallops. As a food fish especially the Barramundi is appreciated. The salmon from Tasmania is also a delicacy.
Australia is known as a beer drinker nation. No wonder, because in a hot climate the cool hops juice tastes especially delicious. The selection of beers is huge. Each state has its own beers. Queenslanders like to drink the varieties “Fourex” (XXXX) and Powers, whereas the West Australians prefer “Swan” Victorianers prefer “VB”. In New South Wales you drink “Tooheys”. In addition, there are the beers offered by smaller local breweries, such. Cascade in Tasmania and Redback in Western Australia.
Australian wines have been in increasing demand lately. The preferred grape varieties for the white wines are Chardonnay, Semillon and Sauvignon Blanc. There is also the widespread Rhine Riesling.

For the reds, the Shiraz is the first choice. But also the varieties Cabernet, Sauvignon, Grenache, Pinot Noir and Merlot flourish. There are over 600 wineries in Australia, especially in Western Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.
The bush food
Typical of Australia is the “Bush Tucker”, a traditional food of the Australian Aborigines. The “bush meal” includes everything that thrives wildly in nature or can be hunted and collected. These include snakes, goannas and possums. Also the nuts of the Pandanus palm as well as fruits and bush tomatoes can be called for this.

Australia – Accommodations

Hotels are usually found in Australia in central locations in major cities and tourist areas. There are all categories available. From cheap dorm to luxury accommodation, everything is here. Be careful with the given stars, as the classification is often self-awarded and rarely matches the European standard. The network of hotels is dense in Australia, but rather narrow in the outbacks.

The name Hotel in Australia means only the license to drink alcohol. In the countryside, small hotels sometimes give their two to three rooms to travelers. If then on the blanket already clearly visible dust, you should not be surprised. You may be the first guest for years.
Motels are everywhere on the arterial roads of major cities. In the outbacks, they are rather less to find. Well-known chains such as Best Western and Flag Choice Hotels offer hotel voucher systems – also via tour operators in Europe. For travelers who want to be flexible, this system is ideal. Lower priced chains of “(low) budget motels” are e.g. Golden Chain Motor Inns, Budget Motel, Sundowner Motor Inns or Metro Inns. Their equipment is simpler (swimming pool rare), there is less service (room service sometimes not available) or they are a bit out of the way. In addition, they are not so widespread and are usually limited to specific regions.

If you have to spend more than a few days in a foreign city, you will appreciate an environment tailored to your personal needs. “Serviced Apartments” is the solution for anyone who does not want to give up the independence and individuality of their own home or the service and comfort of a hotel.

Resort / Resorts
Resorts and resorts are located in touristy areas of particular interest, especially in Queensland along the coast and on the islands.

Bed & Breakfast
In AUSTRALIEN-INFO.DE you will find a very detailed special page for planning a Bed and Breakfast holiday.

Farm & Homestays
Lodgings on farms and fruit farms are comparable to farm holidays in Europe. Advantage is the integration into the host family. The accommodations vary from simple to luxurious. In Australia in slightly different dimensions than in Europe. The large cattle and sheep farms in the Outback are usually happy about contacts with the stranger and offer the traveler in addition to the accommodation in addition to a direct insight into the everyday life of the Australian rural life.

Cabins & On-Site Vans
These are small holiday homes that are located on campsites or private landlords. Especially for tent travelers they are an alternative in the cooler winter months in the south or during the rainy season in the north.

Youth Hostels
These are distributed all over the country both in cities and in the countryside.

Backpacker hostels
Backpacker pensions are simple pensions in the private style. Also suitable for longer stays, usually with a very lively atmosphere. As the owners z.T. you should not rely on tips from two or three years ago. It is highly recommended here to use current information – for example, from a younger edition of a travel guide.

The campsites are mostly equipped with laundry room (washing machine / dryer) and cooking facilities as well as lounge and TV room. In some cases disposal facilities for chemical toilets are available. Often they have swimming pools and tennis courts.

Free or wild camping
Free camping is allowed, as long as you do not stay for private reasons. However, the ranchers and owners are usually prepared by agreement to allow camping on their land, you just have to contact them. For us, this was an excellent opportunity to get in contact with the local population. Bush Campsites are rest areas specially designed for overnight stays in a tent and camper. They are particularly suitable for strong nature-oriented travelers. Campsites are available throughout the country, but mainly in the national parks.

You can find accommodation in Australia almost always and everywhere, unless you are traveling in the high season in the months of January and February. You can defuse this time by booking. Although we have made our trip with the camper and were so independent of hotel accommodations and the like. It may also be a combination of both from time to time.

Australia – Aborigines

The first people to populate the continent of Australia were the Aborigines (Latin “ab origine” = “from the beginning”). The common names “Aboriginal” or “Aborigine” come from the Europeans and are not used by the natives.

In Australia you can find the name “Indigenous People”. The various clans and tribes give themselves names like “Yolngu” (north), “Murri” (east), “Koori” (southeast), “Nanga” (south), “Nyungar” (southwest), “Wonghi” (west) and many more names.

The Aborigines had discovered the country long before the white man and developed their own language and culture. Her life was well adapted to the needs of the country. The social order was well developed and their skills and knowledge of nature still amaze civilized people today. Only 200 years ago, Europeans were unaware of the existence of this natural people. The “Terra Australis”, the southern continent, was not discovered yet. Until then, Aboriginal people could live in harmony with nature undisturbed and wrap up a complex culture. But after the colonization by the Europeans, there was a danger for the Aborigines of extinction or complete adaptation, which was driven by the White Man.

With the demise of many tribes, a large part of the culture of the Aborigines was lost. They also lost their identity and their will to live. Although conditions for the Aborigines have improved today, they are still in a disadvantaged position.
History of the natives
With current finds, the scientists assume that the Aborigines came from Asia about 50,000 years ago and immigrated to Australia. During the last cold season, the inhabitants of Southeast Asia have spread south and settled in the Australian mainland. This was possible because of the ice age, the sea level had greatly reduced and thus only a narrow strait separated the Asian island world from the Australian continent. The extensive food supply of the tropical north and the virginity of Australia made it possible for the Aborigines to quickly establish themselves on the entire continent.

When sea levels began to increase again in the later period as the ice ages declined, the Aborigines were isolated in this way. They could then no longer mix with other races. The nomadic tribes lived in temporary huts or under windscreens made of twigs or bark. Long spears, boomerangs and spear throwers were used for the hunt. The women carried a hardwood club as a weapon.

The boomerang was used as a hunting weapon or for combat and also as a tool. There were two types, the returning and the non-returning boomerang (Kylie).

The Aborigines lived as hunters and gatherers and roamed the countryside as wandering nomads. A kind of sedentariness was never developed by them. Nor was it necessary because of the wealth and size of the country. They found in their country land everything they needed to live. Their social organization was developed, but only to the level of the tribe. Each tribe possessed a piece of land from whose produce was lived. The Aborigines did not know the concept of property.

When the first convicts of the British arrived and with the subsequent colonization by the “whites” after 1788, the saddest chapter in the long history of the Aborigines began. The settlement by the white man had a devastating impact on the natives. They were hunted and treated as subhumans. Various attempts to relocate the tribes failed because the religious ties to their areas were too strong.

From the beginning of the 18th century estimated 300,000 Aborigines 1947 remained only about 75,000 left over. It was not until the middle of the 20th century that the Australians called for a more humane treatment of their aborigines. However, a protection or a resettlement of the aborigines living there did not take place at that time.

In 1994, the government paid the Aborigines $ 14 million in compensation for desert testing. However, the contamination of this area and the suffering of the Aborigines could not be compensated with money. However, it was a first sign of a rethinking on a political level.

In 1960, the indigenous people were granted citizenship rights, which also included a right to vote. The Aboriginal Land Rights Act, passed in 1976, restored the original owners to large tribal territories. In 1983, they were given an important sanctuary, the Uluru (Ayers Rock).

The self-determination promised by the natives and liberal-minded politicians has been contractually not realized until today.

The indigenous livelihood remains critical: 60 percent have annual incomes of less than $ 12,000, and 50 percent are largely funded by the state. High unemployment and alcoholism as well as the reluctance to work in the white man’s economic system are the biggest problems today.

Australia – Backpacking

A particularly common type of travel in Australia is backpacking. The popularity of Australia as a destination for young tourists from all over the world is increasing.

The demand for cheap, satisfactory hostels is thus steadily increasing.

This has been taken into account with many new buildings at least on the east coast of Australia.

The competition for the favor of backpackers is so great that many houses are not only cheap but also state of the art. Of course you can not compare a backpacker inn with a hotel, compared to German hostels but they are very luxuriously equipped.

In Queensland, there are many sailboat and car rental companies fighting hard for the backpacker clientele. It is often promoted with special offers and promotions that can save a lot of money in almost every activity in the cities.

A special feature that is not limited to Queensland is the backpacker path from Sydney to Cooktown.

You can travel from one city to the next, so the backpacker hostels can travel up and down the coast. This is a particularly affordable and organizational safe alternative for backpackers in Australia.

Questions about the destination Australia?