South Sea – Bora Bora III

Small white boats refresh the image of the dark blue sea. Through the Mount Pahia some clouds are caught again and there they can rain down. In this way, an everlasting lush green sprouts on the island. On the less frequented beaches, outside the tourist resorts, there are small huts where locals live.

A special mood is to catch in the late evening hours just before the sunset. The sun dips the sea, the clouds and the white ships into a reddish velvet cotton wool.

A young islander is making his way home. Barefoot, as is usual here. One should not lose contact with Mother Earth. Whether he feels his home as a dream? Often, the daily life of the islanders is determined by other premises, which are not perceived by most tourists.

We are looking for a small local restaurant and of course eat again one of the island’s outstanding fish dishes. Meanwhile, a houseboat in South Seas style pulls past the nearby beach. It’s a pity the time on Bora Bora is over.

Pictures South Sea – Bora Bora

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