New Zealand – Kahurangi National Park

The Kahurangi National Park was founded in 1996 and is with its 4520 km ² the second largest national park in New Zealand. It covers the entire northwestern part of the South Island. Translated, Kahurangi means “valuable possession”.

Our trail leads past beautiful beaches that are so tempting that we can not get far and stay here. The Kahurangi National Park offers interesting geological formations and several endemic plants and animals.

The wildlife of the national park is mainly formed by bird species. We move once again off the main roads. The small gravel roads are easy to navigate, you are also forced to slow speed and see more of the beautiful landscape.

Rarely do we encounter passing cars on our route. We can pass on the recommendation to all travelers to leave once the beaten main routes and to search for the primeval Neuseeeland, which is actually always off the beaten track.

Pictures New Zealand – Kahurangi-Nationalpark

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