New Zealand Waterfront

Auckland is a vibrant and modern city. The skyline is constantly changing. At the “waterfront” (marina) there is always bustling activity. You will find chic bistros, cozy cafes and first-class restaurants, which invite you to linger at any time of the day. Here you can spoil yourself with Pacific delicacies, fresh seafood and fine wines.

Auckland stretches over an 11 km wide volcanic rock strait that separates two Haefen – Waitimata and Manukau – and enjoys the reputation of a paradise for water enthusiasts. It is said that the world’s highest per capita number of boat owners live here. At the gates of Auckland lies the Gulf of Hauraki, which offers another attraction with its island kingdom. Definitely worth a visit is Fishermans Wharf. Here you can get the best and freshest seafood dishes in Auckland.
New Zealand – Auckland – Waterfront

New Zealand – Auckland – Waterfront – Seafood Restaurant
There is always something going on in the marina. The many shops, restaurants and cafes are “the draw” for kiwis and tourists. On the weekends masses of onlookers wallow over the promenades. You should also visit the docks, where the ships have their “parking lots” in huge warehouses.
New Zealand – Auckland – Waterfront

New Zealand – Auckland – Waterfront
About large cranes, the boats are shipped into their boxes and brought out again when needed. The halls are mostly fully booked, as the kiwis are a water sports enthusiastic people.

Pictures New Zealand Waterfront

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