New England – Vermont

Vermont (VT) is also called “Les verts monts” in French. We just say “the green mountains”. The state of Vermont was founded on March 4, 1791 as the 14th state of the United States. It is also called the Green Mountain State. The capital of Vermont is Montpelier. The largest city in the state is Burlington. The area of ​​Vermont includes the northern Appalachian Mountains, ie the Green Mountains (1338 m above sea level)

between Champlain Lake to the west and the valley floor of the Connecticut River to the east. The land area is 76% covered with forest. Vermont was discovered in 1609 by S. de Champlain. For many years the French (Fort St. Anne, 1666) and Englishmen (Fort Dummer, 1724) were fighting for dominance in the country. In 1777, Vermont proclaimed independence.

We decided to discover a special kind of New England. It should be a roundtrip with predominant nights in the wonderful Country Inns. These hotels are mostly located in a historic and sometimes romantic place with lots of atmosphere. The Country Inns are small, high-comfort romantic hotels in the typical New England atmosphere. They are located either in the old parts of the cities or in scenic areas.

Most of these hotels offer excellent cuisine. We can recommend any traveler in New England to stay at least a few times in these hotels. Our starting point was the city of Boston, where we spent a few days. As a travel time we had the Indian Summer (leaves discoloration), so the autumn eye.

From Boston we drove first to Rhode Island, then via Massachusetts to Vermont. Other destinations were New Hampshire and Maine and from here back on the coast to Boston. Although New England does not have the typical huge American proportions, such a round trip is associated with precise planning. If you have some time, check out Quechee Gorge State Park. It has a great gorge and has many beautiful hiking trails. Especially worth seeing is Woodstock with its fine shops. Here is also the Vermont Institute of Natural History.

St. Johnsbury is worth a visit to the Maple Grove Factory, the oldest and largest maple sugar factory, and the Fairbanks Museum, which has more than 3,000 endemic animals. Stowe is one of the most popular ski resorts on Mount Mansfield. Lake Champlain is an eldorado for water sports enthusiasts.

Pictures New England – Vermont

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