Mexico – Impressions

Manzanillo is located on the Costa de Oro on the sea. The beautiful beaches are surrounded by lush nature. The Gold Coast is one of the most beautiful sections of the Mexican Rivera. It extends between Mazatlan and Acapulco.

The lively port city is also a naval base. It extends on a narrow isthmus between the crescent-shaped Bahia de Manzanillo with its 10km wide Playa. Here is the Playa Azul with its central beach area and the lagoon Cuyutlan. The nicer beaches are the Bahiha Manzanillo and the Bahia Santiago. On the peninsula is also designed by the architect Jose Luis Ezquerra and internationally known luxury hotel Las Hadas (the fairies).

The facility is an absolute attraction. If you can set it up, you should plan a few days stopover here. The rooms are huge and you have a wonderful view of the bay and the sea (with sea view book).

A real popular sport is bullfighting in Mexico. It was probably imported by the Spaniards during the conquest of Mexico.

Bullfighting in Mexico

Arenas are everywhere in the bigger cities. These events are not for everyone. One is strangely touched when one sees, with which course the Torreros kill the bulls. We leave the arena later with mixed feelings …… The views and opinions, whether this is a cultural asset or simply animal cruelty, go far apart.

To the bullfight a real cult is formed. The better known Torreros are often stylized into real folk heroes. A whole “industry” (or better say mafia) lives off this business. At the edges of the arenas stand livestock dealers and observers who rate the best bulls. From the character and the defensiveness of the bull one can derive the success of the breeder.

Pictures Mexico – Impressions

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