
Hong Kong mainly consists of the mainland Kowloon and Victoria on Hong Kong Island. The latter also houses the impressive skyline of Hong Kong, almost the entire waterfront is occupied by skyscrapers.

The south of Hong Kong Island is quite different from the rest of Hong Kong. He has a “southern”, carefree, almost a holiday atmosphere. In the south is the district Tsim Sha Tsui.

Due to the proximity to the waterfront and the easy accessibility to the subway, this is a good option for visitors as a location for the hotel. Crossing Kowloon, Nathan Road forms the main artery heading north-south.

Especially at night, the street offers an almost eerie spectacle of neon signs. Above the city of Hong Kong you have a magnificent view of the town and the harbor area. The skyscrapers form the skyline of Hong Kong.

The eighties are the beginning of a wild building boom in Hong Kong. The skyscrapers are scaffolded with bamboo poles. A strange sight for European eyes. The skyscrapers are built in a construction period of a few months.

An immense army of workers is bustling on the construction sites. Many construction workers and unskilled workers from China are hired as guest workers. The workers spend the night on the construction sites in the unfinished apartments and in the cellars. Often, up to 10 people share a small space of 10 sqm.

Pictures Hongkong

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