Hong Kong – Sea Palace

You should not miss a visit to one of the various ship restaurants firmly moored in the harbor when you visit Hong Kong. We take one of the countless small ferry boats to come to Sea-Palace, one of the ship’s restaurants.

We have pre-booked a table, especially in the run-up to Christmas time there is a lot of crowds. In the evening you can enjoy the beautiful sunset in the bay during the crossing.

The ferry boats run at frequent intervals and are used in Hong Kong like a bus system. At the Sea-Palace, we will receive a welcome aperitif.

The ship’s restaurant has an estimated 1000 seats in several restaurants.

Afterwards we will be escorted to our table. In the typical Chinese tradition, various bowls and pots with a variety of delicacies are built in the middle. Each guest can now choose the right dishes.

Of course, it is eaten with chopsticks, which is already quite good for us. Many other foreign guests have their own little problem and we saw many visitors to the restaurant, who left the ship hungry rather than saturated.

The interior of the ship is richly decorated with Chinese masks and figures. The ships have several storeys, in which the individual restaurants are housed. On the way back we pass other restaurant ships, which give a great contrast to the nearby skyline of Hong Kong. When passing by, they seem like huge temples.

Pictures Hong Kong – Sea Palace

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