Hong Kong – General information

Hong Kong is located in Southeast Asia, south of the Northern Tropic. The former British colony consists of the island of Hong Kong (83 sq km), other smaller islands, the Kowloon peninsula and the New Territories on the south China mainland. The island of Hong Kong is located 32 km east of the Pearl River and 135 km southeast of Canton. It is separated from the mainland by a natural harbor.

China’s Special Administrative Region (SAR) since 1 July 1997. Parliament: Legislative Council with 60 members. Hong Kong sends 36 MPs to the People’s Congress of China. Head of State: Hu Jintao, since 2003. Chief Executive: Tung Chee-hwa, since 1997. The former British Crown Colony was returned to the People’s Republic of China on July 1, 1997.

Cantonese is the most widely spoken language. English is widely spoken, especially in business circles. Both languages ​​are recognized as official languages.

Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism; Christian, Muslim and Hindu minorities.

local time
CET + 7 (UTC + 8)

mains voltage
200/220 V, 50 Hz

International direct dialing. The telephone information is computerized and can be reached under the numbers 1081 (English) and 1083 (Chinese).

country code

Vaccinations are not required for visiting Hong Kong. All visitors are advised to take out travel and health insurance in their own country prior to departure in order to be covered in the event of illness or accident. Hong Kong does not have a free health service and every medical treatment has to be paid. Excluded are first aid services in state hospitals.

What you wear depends on the season. For the hot months of May to October you pack a lot of light cotton or blended fabrics. Shorts, T-shirts and comfortable shoes are important, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

From November to April, temperatures can change dramatically from one day to the next, and accordingly you should prepare for warm and cold days. A light sweater, raincoat or cape, umbrella and warm socks or stockings are highly recommended.

No matter what time of year you are here – in Hong Kong you go to dinner. If you want to dine in an elegant restaurant or are invited to a private dinner, socializing is recommended. Beware: some discos and nightclubs will not let anyone wear sneakers, jeans or shorts.

A word about air conditioners: Restaurants, hotels and offices can be uncomfortably cold even on the hottest summer days. In the summer months, take a light sweater or jacket if you suddenly find yourself in such an icy trap.

Contact lens wearers who are not used to air conditioners could have problems: glasses and hard contact lenses tend to mist up when you come from air-conditioned rooms to the humid outdoor air.

Hong Kong – Climate

Hong Kong is just south of the Tropic of Cancer. The climate is subtropical, there are four seasons.
From late December to February, it is sometimes mild, sometimes cool with fog and rain. The temperatures are between 13 and 20 degrees Celsius, occasionally there are also short frost periods.
From March to mid-May there is rainy weather, the sky is overcast. It can take days to see the sun again. The average daily temperature is 17 degrees in March and 28 degrees in May.
From the end of May to mid-September, temperatures and humidity reach almost unbearable heights as the southwest monsoon determines the weather. The thermometer climbs slightly in the afternoon to 35 degrees. Thunderstorms and typhoons are common.
Now comes the northeast monsoon, and with it cooler, drier air from Central Asia. From the end of September to the end of December you can expect a clear sky and pleasant temperatures between 18 and 29 degrees.
travel time
The cheapest time to travel to Hong Kong is from October to early December. Then there are pleasant temperatures (about 20 degrees Celsius) and it is often sunny. You do not have to expect rain or thunderstorms too often.

Heavy rains and thunderstorms (typhoons) usually occur in June when the monsoon season begins. But you do not have to be afraid of the tropical storms! Typhoons, which have serious, devastating consequences, are rare. The last of the truly devastating typhoons raged across Hong Kong in the 1930s. It is very important to use a good sunscreen cream whenever the sun is shining, especially in summer (monsoon season). Some travelers forget this and notice only in the evening that their face is burned.

There is never really snow or frost in Hong Kong. In winter, a temperature of 10 ° C is normal. The winter lasts from the beginning of December to the end of March and is not necessarily the best time to visit Hong Kong.

The average daily temperature is around 20 ° C between October and December, and in June the average daily temperature is around 30 ° C. The average nighttime temperature is about 13 ° C in December and about 25 ° C in June

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