Ecuador – People

We were in the highlands of Ecuador with the camera on the road, to capture some impressions of the indigenous people living there. On this page we have documented some typical everyday scenes. The men usually wear dark blue double-sided ponchos, white pants and a black hat, under which a shoulder-length hair pot protrudes.

The laces worn by both sexes are made from the Cabuya cactus. Elegant Gringas appreciate the gentle treads, especially in combination with long, wide skirts. The middle picture shows: father and son …… or brothers? ….. sometimes that’s hard to recognize. The faces of people are unmistakably marked by the often heavy everyday work.
Ecuador – market scene with gaucho

A young girl takes care of the sister …..? or is it mother with child? Here the limits of knowledge become blurred. In any case, she has just completed her business and receives the negotiated price for the goods. However, she does not seem very satisfied with the trade.

The dark side of life ……… or just a quick nap at lunchtime? The impressions are so diverse ……. you could shoot thousands of photos …… and always find a new theme ….

Pictures Ecuador – People

Questions about the destination Ecuador?