Austria – Oetz

Ötz is the capital of the Ötztal and lies at the entrance to the valley at an altitude of 810 meters. Ötz is located in a spacious valley basin, which is divided by the river Ötzer Ache. Ötz is more of a summer resort, from which one can take long walks. The chairlift Hochötz also takes you to the higher hiking areas.

The town Oetz lives “almost exclusively” from tourism as most valleys in Tyrol. There is a well-organized tourist office where you can find out about free accommodation and hiking routes as well as events etc. In the small village center you can find the Gasthof Stern, which was built on the site of a Meierhof in the 13th century. Later it was a court house, today it serves as a guest house. The exterior walls were built in 1573 and painted in 1615 with rich frescoes.

At the top left, the entrance of the originally old village museum in Ötz, which has meanwhile closed its doors. The new museum was set up near the church. In the Ötztal Ötz plain, between the Ötztaler Ache river and the Landstrasse, there is a wide landscape area characterized by agriculture and meadows. Interesting are the wooden huts, which are directly on or above the small torrent running through the valley. On the river “Ötztaler Ache” organized wild water rides are undertaken, if the river is not too torrential.

The valley shows its romantic side, if you try to explore the countryside on foot. From the valley you have a wonderful view of the nearby Acherkogel with its over 3000 meters of altitude. Today, the three-thousand meter shows its beautiful weather side with a slight veil of water vapor. In the summer months, the valley is also a paradise for paragliders and paragliders, which start from Hochötz and land down here in the valley.

Austria – Oetz

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