Arizona – Scottsdale

Scottsdale is not far from Phoenix. It has several large shopping centers and has a small city, as was common in the early days of the Wild West.

We rented the Phoenician, a big hotel just outside Scottsdale. The hotel has, as almost usual, two beautiful 18-hole golf courses. The hotel complex is modern and of course has the famous American luxury. Everything is bigger, higher, more pompous and beautiful than anywhere else. Already the journey reminds of a train station, of course with porter and limousine service. For a few days we want to treat ourselves to this luxury.

The lobby and reception hall is comparable in size to any comparison with the Cologne Cathedral. There are several restaurants in the house, all of which have a top cuisine. The rooms are, as everything in America, huge. First, explore the historic city of Scottsdale. One might think that the age of the Wild West has returned here.

The historic houses have been perfectly preserved in their condition and partly also rebuilt. Here there are saloons, restaurants and small shops where you can buy everything about art and kitsch.

Pictures Arizona – Scottsdale

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