Arizona – Golf Courses

Scottsdale in Arizona is a Mecca of golf. Here you will find a variety of places in the smallest space. A good base for exploring the area is the Phoenix Hotel in Scottsdale with its two 18-hole golf courses “Phoenician”.

Directly on the grounds of the hotel is the same name and belonging to the hotel golf course “Phoenician” with 36 holes established. The facility of the Phoenician Golf Club is an ideal opportunity to acclimatise and get fit for other places in the area. The clubhouse is typically American pompous and dignified.

Of course, here is the famous American service everywhere. America, in contrast to Europe, is an absolute service country. If you want to play here for the high season, you should have the start times in advance to reserve, as these are often blocked for weeks in advance. This can be done e.g. Just before leaving Europe, organize by mail or fax.

The green fees of the two 18-hole golf courses are well maintained. The complex is varied and has not only the usual sand bunker but also water hazards. In addition, the golf courses are embedded in a small mountain and rocky landscape, which gives the joy of playing a lot of spice. The Fairwas are broad and generously planned and very much in line with the European way of playing.

A course leads right through the small mountains and some holes are challenging to play. The course is very varied and you have from each tee a new perspective and a new panorama.

In some places people warn against the Rattle Snakes, which are found everywhere in the desert.

In the wider catchment area of ​​Phoenix alone, there are well over 100 golf courses. The focus is on the area of ​​Scottsdale.

Scottsdale is, so to speak, the Mecca of golfing par excellence. Here are a variety of world-class golf courses have arisen, which have a very high standard. Every year, there are well-known tournaments, attended by the best professionals in the world. We had the pleasure of accompanying Greg Norman in a final round of prize money of one million dollars for the winner. Since there are so many Pro already the nerves bare.

Many seats can only be played by members and are inaccessible to green fee players without a member’s invitation. If you live in one of the city’s renowned hotels, you can sometimes open locked doors. The well-known places with their big names are million dollar economic projects.

This can be seen from the membership fees, which already cause every normal golfer to sweat even before the match because of their height. The green fees alone are around 300 dollars per person per game for the prestigious golf courses. But you can then enjoy for three to five hours on the manicured greens. The clubhouses with their lounges and restaurants need not shun comparison with 5-star hotels.

Due to the unique natural landscape, the squares in the desert are almost always perfectly and harmoniously embedded. Bunkers are plentiful, because sand is not a problem here. A special eye-catcher on the squares are the many-armed pillar or candelabra cacti, the Saguaros (pronounced ssa-wu-a-ros). This cactus grows almost only in arid hot Arizona.

Staying in this desert landscape is a very special experience. The greens are also groomed as if they were cut with nail scissors. Most golf courses are pretty hard for Europeans to play. You have to navigate precisely over the often small green fairway islands.

Pictures Arizona – Golf Courses

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