
Contact us

Send us a message and we will take the time to get to know you. Please write a few lines about the reason for your request.

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You are not sure if we can answer your questions? Just check our frequently asked questions.

You can publish your adventures and experiences on our Travel Blog as author or reporter. You do not need any special requirements but there are some hints for the publication on our portal:

All content and photos must come from you. If it is not your own pictures, we need a corresponding proof of use.
Image format in JPG, longest side at least 1500 pixels, not more than 1 MB memory size.
No promotion for your own website. Articles should primarily contain information for the community.

Registration is easy. Register as a member on our portal.

Send us the adjoining form with your data and a short description of your blog.

After a short trial, we will activate you and you can publish your own articles on our portal.